When chronic prostatitis is diagnosed, the method of treatment is determined by the doctor. This disease is very common in conjunction with prostate adenoma and is a relatively serious problem for men's health. As a result of chronic prostatitis, the quality of intimate life deteriorates significantly, which is a major inconvenience.
This disease is an inflammatory process that appears on the tissue of the prostate gland. But not all men rush to seek the help of a specialist, and therefore, the disease begins significantly, what will cause it in each case is not always known.
Prostatitis often causes infertility and the development of infections that quickly spread to other internal organs, especially the bladder, testicles and kidneys.
Causes and symptoms of disease

Researchers have proven that prostatitis is more common in young people. This is mainly due to infections with sexually transmitted infections, such as mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, and so on. If sexual intercourse is not protected, infection with various diseases and their treatment soon after will definitely cause the disease.
The interesting fact is that the development of this disease can occur due to the presence of chronic internal diseases and also if there are caries. In this case, chronic prostatitis develops as a result of the spread of infection through the hematogenous pathway, in other words, this path can be called the spread of infection through the blood in the body.
Although superficial factors such as unbalanced diet, weakened immune system, excessive colds, as well as the use of drugs by men that negatively affect the protective function, play a role.
Excess weight, lack of movement and even constipation affect the inhibition of blood circulation in the pelvis, which most likely causes prostatitis.
In the acute form, prostatitis in men is shown as:
- urinate too often;
- characteristic sensation of incomplete bladder emptying that occurs during urination;
- during defecation, pain occurs in the rectal area;
- pain in the groin and back of the pubis, which feels stronger after urination;
- temperature rises frequently.
Chronic prostatitis is less severe:

- urinate frequently, which does not cause any particular difficulty for the man and he is accustomed to over time;
- unexplained pain in the pelvis and perineum;
- sudden onset of impotence.
Diagnosing prostatitis
As soon as a man sees the manifestations of the disease, he should immediately contact a urologist, as timely treatment at an early stage will most likely lead to recovery.
The urologist, after the patient's visit, performs a diagnostic using the following method:
- Palpation of the gland by penetrating it through the rectum. This procedure for a man is a very unpleasant process, but necessary, as it will allow the specialist to determine the size, density and structure of the prostate gland.
- Instrumental methods, which include MRI and ultrasound. The final procedure aims to identify the pathology of the prostate, kidneys and internal organs. Ultrasound examination in this case can be performed through the abdominal wall or by transrectal ultrasound, which is performed through the rectum.
- Laboratory methods, which can be general or specialized clinical. The first option includes blood and urine tests.
The second option includes:
- using PCR techniques, infections can be detected, for this you need to take a swab from the urethra;
- take a smear for bacteriological culture;
- PSA analysis;
- Prostate secretion is taken for microscopy.

Prostatitis is treated with the following techniques:
- As prescribed by the doctor, a man is given symptomatic medication that can alleviate the patient's condition.
- After proper research, the most effective antibacterial agent is recommended.
- Immunotherapy.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- After the acute phase is completed, the patient is given physiotherapy treatment using a prostate massage.
- Non-specific endurance stimuli.
- Use of sedatives.
- One of the most important treatment methods is to change an unhealthy man's lifestyle, especially if he has an inactive job and an unhealthy diet. The most effective way is to walk in the fresh air and do certain gymnastics, which aims to increase blood circulation in the pelvic area.
In the case of chronic prostatitis, specialists can prescribe slightly different treatment methods, which are combined into a set of measures aimed at the rapid recovery of the patient. Of course, one should not neglect the prescribed vitamin preparations and herbal remedies.
When a urologist prescribes antibiotics, first of all, he or she will undergo a laboratory test, which shows what type of bacteria should be exposed. The most popular are drugs of the macrolide group, 5-NOK and similar agents, which are designed to treat the disease, especially in the acute stage.

In some cases, surgery is indicated as a treatment for chronic prostatitis, this method is especially needed when the chronic stage has entered the prostate adenoma or in case of narrowing of the urethra.
In the case of physiotherapy, the specialist can prescribe:
- laser therapy;
- phonophoresis with ultrasound;
- diadynamophoresis;
- microwave hypermia.
Effective treatment of chronic prostatitis is a complex measure that not only aims to alleviate the patient's condition, but also to prevent the possibility of complications.
For men with chronic prostatitis, the method of treatment in this case should not interfere with sexual intercourse periodically, but in this case it is necessary to maintain the safety of the partner.
It is important for every man to know that chronic forms of prostatitis are precancerous conditions, and neglect and fear of prescribed procedures can lead to adenomas and even the development of prostate cancer.